Governments on the WWW: What was new in January 2002?

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Copyright © 1995-2002 Gunnar Anzinger

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Added or modified on 2002-01-28:
CL: Ministerio de Obras Públicas y de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones [Ministry of Public Works and of Transport and Telecommunications]
IN: Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
IN: National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR)
IN: Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI)
IN: Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (CIBA)
IN: National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP)
IN: National Research Centre for Agroforestry (NRCAF)
IN: National Research Centre on Camel (NRCC)
IN: National Research Centre on Coldwater Fisheries (NRCCWF)
IN: National Research Centre on Equines (NRCE)
IN: National Research Centre for Onion and Garlic (NRCOG)
IN: National Research Centre on Yak

Added or modified on 2002-01-27:
AZ: National Bank of Azerbaijan {Javascript!}
KM: Présidence de l'Union des Comores [Presidency of the Union of the Comoros]
EU: Publications Office
DE: Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Augsburg [Trade Supervisory Office Augsburg]
DE: Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Coburg [Trade Supervisory Office Coburg]
DE: Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Landshut [Trade Supervisory Office Landshut]
DE: Gewerbeaufsichtsamt München-Land [Trade Supervisory Office Munich-Country]
DE: Gewerbeaufsichtsamt München-Stadt [Trade Supervisory Office Munich-City]
DE: Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Nürnberg [Trade Supervisory Office Nuremberg]
DE: Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Regensburg [Trade Supervisory Office Regensburg]
DE: Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Würzburg [Trade Supervisory Office Würzburg]
DE: Berliner Betrieb für Zentrale Gesundheitliche Aufgaben (BBGes) [Corporation for Central Health Affairs of Berlin]
DE: Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Sport [Senate Administration for Education, Youth and Sports]
MO: Autoridade Monetária de Macau (AMCM) [Monetary Authority of Macau]
SL: Bank of Sierra Leone

Added or modified on 2002-01-23:
BE: Regierung der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft {Javascript!} {Java!} [Government of the German-speaking Community]
CD: Ambassade de la République Démocratique du Congo à Bruxelles, Belgique {Java!} [Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Brussels, Belgium]
LI: Freie Liste {Java!} [Free List]
PW: Embassy of Palau in Washington, United States of America {Java!}
SR: Centrale Bank van Suriname (CBvS) {Java!} [Central Bank of Suriname]

Added or modified on 2002-01-22:
BD: Privatization Commission
BD: Bangladesh Meteorological Department
BD: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
BO: Embajada de Bolivia en Berlín, Alemania {Javascript!} [Embassy of Bolivia in Berlin, Germany]
FR: Ville de Metz [City of Metz]
FR: Ville d'Orly [City of Orly]
FR: Front National (FN) [National Front]
GM: Office of the President
GUE: Herm Island
SE: Socialdemokratiska Arbetarepartiet (SAP) {Javascript!} [Socialdemocratic Workers' Party]

Added or modified on 2002-01-16:
AU: Australian Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark
BY: Belarussian Teleradiocompany
TD: Ambassade du Tchad à Washington, États-Unis d'Amérique {Javascript!} [Embassy of Chad in Washington, United States of America]
CL: Consulado General de Chile en Hamburgo, Alemania [Consulate General of Chile in Hamburg, Germany]
FJ: Native Land Trust Board (NLTB)
FI: Suomen Kuntaliitto / Finlands Kommunförbund {Javascript!} [Association of Finnish Municipalities]
DE: Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP) - Die Liberalen [Free Democratic Party - The Liberals]
DE: Fraktion der FDP im Bundestag [Group of the FDP in the Federal Parliament]
DE: Landesverband Hamburg
DE: Landesverband Hessen
DE: Stadtverband Seelze
DE: Kreisverband Ulm
GB: Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee (RWMAC)
HN: Misión Permanente de Honduras ante las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York [Permanent Mission of Honduras to the United Nations in New York]
ID: Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) {Javascript!} [People's Consultative Assembly]
MX: Consulado Honorario de México en Hannover, Alemania [Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Hannover, Germany]
MX: Consulado Honorario de México en Múnich, Alemania [Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Munich, Germany]
PY: Embajada del Paraguay en Ottawa, Canadá [Embassy of Paraguay in Ottawa, Canada]
RW: Transitional National Assembly / Assemblée Nationale de Transition
TH: Office of the Judicial Affairs
TH: Election Commission of Thailand
TH: Constitutional Court

Added or modified on 2002-01-11:
DE: Partei Rechtsstaatlicher Offensive (Schill-Partei) [Party of Constitutional State Offensive]
ES: Departament de Cultura [Department of Culture]
ES: Institut Català del Crèdit Agrari (ICCA)
ES: Departament de Governació i Relacions Institucionals [Department of Government and Institutional Relations]
ES: Departament d'Indústria, Comerç i Turisme {Javascript!} [Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism]
ES: Institut Català del Consum (ICC) [Catalonian Institute of Consumer Affairs]
ES: Departament de la Presidència [Department of the Presidency]
ES: Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació [Department of Universities, Research and Information Society]
CH: Bau-, Verkehrs und Forstdepartement / Dipartimento Costruzioni, Trasporti e Foreste / Departament da Construcziun, Traffic e Selvicultura [Department of Construction, Transport and Forestry]
CH: Amt für Energie / Ufficio dell'Energia / Uffizi d'Energia [Office of Energy]
CH: Amt für Jagd und Fischerei / Ufficio per la Caccia e la Pesca / Uffizi da Chatscha e Pestga [Office for Hunting and Fishing]
CH: Amt für Wald / Ufficio Forestale / Uffizi Forestal [Forest Office]
CH: Amt für Natur und Landschaft / Ufficio per la Natura e il Paesaggio / Uffizi per la Natira e la Cuntrada {Javascript!} [Office for Nature and Landscape]
CH: Finanz- und Militärdepartement / Dipartimento delle Finanze e Militare / Departament da Finanzas e Militar [Department of Finance and Military]
CH: Finanzverwaltung / Amministrazione delle Finanze / Administraziun da Finanzas [Finance Administration]
CH: Steuerverwaltung / Amministrazione Imposte / Administraziun d'Imposta [Tax Administration]
CH: Personal- und Organisationsamt / Ufficio del Personale e dell'Organizzazione / Uffizi da Persunal e d'Organisaziun [Office for Personnel and Organization]
CH: Amt für Informatik / Ufficio d'Informatica / Uffizi d'Informatica [Office of Informatics]
CH: Amt für Landwirtschaft, Strukturverbesserungen und Vermessung / Ufficio per l'Agricoltura, il Miglioramento delle Strutture e la Misurazione / Uffizi d'Agricultura, Meglieraziun da Structura e Mesiraziun [Office for Agriculture, Structural Improvements and Survey]

Added or modified on 2002-01-08:
BE: Christlich Soziale Partei (CSP) [Christian Social Party]
BE: Partei für Freiheit und Fortschritt (PFF) [Party for Freedom and Progress]
EC: Embajada del Ecuador en Bogotá, Colombia [Embassy of Ecuador in Bogota, Colombia]
FI: Embassy of Finland in Maputo, Mozambique
FR: Fédération de la Martinique
DE: Wehrbereichsverwaltung Nord [Defence Area Administration North]
GH: Ghana High Commission in London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GH: Office of the Honorary Consul of Ghana in Hong Kong
GB: Pacifist Party
ID: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional [Department of National Education]
ID: Embassy of Indonesia in Copenhagen, Denmark
ID: Embassy of Indonesia in Warsaw, Poland
MY: keADILan Selangor
MX: Consulado de México en Brownsville, Estados Unidos de América [Consulate of Mexico in Brownsville, United States of America]
MZ: Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in Stockholm, Sweden
VE: Embajada de Venezuela en Beijing, China (República Popular) [Embassy of Venezuela in Beijing, China (People's Republic)]